Someone Spying on You? Fight Back!
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25,860,543 Spy Software Busted!
Trojans are malicious applications that pose themselves as legitimate software in order to trick users to install them. Once on the victim's machine, it may run any number of malicious process to steal vital information or inflict damage to other software.
Painter is a dropper trojan comprises of multiple components, each having its own functionality.
The functionalities includes
Installs a Browser Helper Object, which drops another executable when Internet Explorer is started.
Sends its live status to its server.
Modifies search results from search engines. This is done by looking some intelligent text in the search results and creating links for it. Clicking on those links will result in showing advertisements (Shown in the below Screen Shots).
Uses multiple Exploits to drop more malwares.
Shows fake security-warning messages in the form of popup windows and balloon texts (Shown in the below Screen Shots). Clicking on these messages leads to advertisements to download rouge antispyware products.
Note: The texts in the screen shots may vary everytime.