Someone Spying on You? Fight Back!
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25,860,543 Spy Software Busted!
Virus-like program that spreads automatically to other computers by sending itself out by email or by any other means. A program that propagates itself by attacking other machines and copying itself to the affected machine.
Worms have self-replicating code that travels from machine to machine by various means. A worms first objective is merely propagation. Worms can be destructive depending on what payload they have been given. Worms may replace files, but do not insert themselves into files.
W32.VBS.Godzilla spreads through Flash drives ( USB drives ).It looks for the flash drive once got infected.It creates Autorun.inf file to execute the malware while mounting the flash drive.Then it copies the files to all the Phisical drives. It also hacks the Internet Explorer and change the window title to "Hacked by Godzilla".